Anonymous Publish time 05-11-2024 18:44

Harvest Day - The Sovereign Code 1 - Tamar Sloan, Heidi Catherine - English

The loss of bees was heralded as the sixth wave of extinction. Economies crashed. Ecosystems collapsed. Wars were waged as countless starved. Luckily, humans were able to alter bees' genetic code to deal with the hazards of pesticides and disease.
Inadvertently making their venom fatal to humans.
River grew up in the Green Zone, a haven for those who are Immune. Bees are free to fly, pollinating their prolific crops. Echo was raised in the Dead Zone where bees are exterminated so vulnerable humans like her can live. Stealing from the heavily guarded Green Zone is a necessary part of survival.
River and Echo are both in their seventeenth year. They're both about to have their immunity tested. And they're both about to have their futures forever altered.

funshine Publish time 05-11-2024 20:18


KDH Publish time 05-11-2024 21:07

Thank you for sharing with us.

Sarsaparilla Publish time 05-17-2024 04:23

Thank you for sharing!
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