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05-10-2024 19:27 Replies|
05-10-2024 18:18 Replies|
zari: crocheting a cardigan and reading JD Robb in dutch
04-19-2024 11:24 Replies|
kambly: Right now I'm working on an essay about how lifestyle shapes the psychology of a person, as well as having a huge influence on health and the future itself.
02-20-2024 00:43 Replies|
Gsells1930: I have a new hobby that I just started. It is called junk journaling. I am trying to gather supplies to make my first one. I have many ideas floating around in my mind. I am writing things down atm.
02-07-2024 13:28 Replies|
Yohanney: hello every one
01-25-2024 03:35 Replies|
CarryNL: Supposedly paying attention to a boring meeting, but in reality searching for something fun to read  
12-20-2023 17:50 Replies|
farfadelle: I am looking for books to read
12-07-2023 00:24 Replies|
12-06-2023 10:51 Replies|
aios: Hello world!
10-29-2023 00:47 Replies|
Sympathy4tdevil: I'm Currently Reading Junkyard Druid by M D Massey. What are you reading?
10-20-2023 06:58 Replies|
Haakfreakje: Always look on the  bright side of life
10-15-2023 07:37 Replies|
shadylady50: I am currently trying to learn how to navigate this site and to do the tasks that are listed.  Not the easiest to accomplish especially in setting up favorites and getting credit for them
09-24-2023 07:42 Replies|
Luv2knit:   Today is the first day I have joined this lovely site & I hope to be totally inspired
09-23-2023 21:28 Replies|


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